This article provides information about Ghosrawan, Bihar. Check out Ghosrawan, India.

Ghosrawan is a small village situated in the state of Bihar, India. The significance of Ghosrawan stems from the fact that it stands on the site of a very large and important Buddhist Monastery. The monastery, probably known as the Kapotaka Vihara, even founds a mention in the account of travels of Hiuen Tsang, the famous Chinese traveler. One of the major attractions of Ghosrawan is a huge statue of Lord Buddha, approximately 10 ft high.
The statue is located besides the lake, in the outskirts of the village. Carved out of shiny black stone, the statue presents a splendid sight. Situated near Ghosrawan is Tetrawan, another small village. This village has a temple, housing a rich as well as valuable collection of carved Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Also nearby, is Nawada, boasting of a museum with an amazing display of Buddha statues found in the adjoining areas.
How to reach Ghosrawan
One can easily reach Ghosrawan from Rajgir.