Mahayana Buddhism is based on the Pali Canon and accepts it as a holy scripture. Apart form Pali Canon, there are a number of other Sutras also in Mahayana, written later in Sanskrit. Mahayana Buddhists aim at achieving enlightenment and becoming bodhisattvas. Just like bodhisattvas, they also readily postpone their own nirvana to help the others in attaining the same. According to them, it is possible to achieve enlightenment in one life also and even a layman can realize this goal.
Mahayana Buddhism encourages the reverence of celestial beings, including Buddhas and bodhisattvas. Magical rites, religious rituals, ceremonies and the use of icons, images, etc, form a part of Mahayana Buddhism. There are a number of subdivisions within Mahayana. These include Zen, Nichiren, Dhyana and Pure Land. All these subdivisions agree on the basic belief that a single life is enough to attain nirvana, provided a person has the determination for it. However, ways of attaining this goal are different in each one of them.